Abraham Reading Course

Spring 2025

Dr Stephen Herring

Join us this March (2025) to read four of the most important chapters in the Bible. Genesis 12 describes Abram’s call, and details God’s promise to the patriarchs (a promise that is repeated frequently in Genesis). Genesis 15 & 17 describes God’s covenant with Abram/Abraham (and his descendants) from different viewpoints (a “non-priestly” and a “priestly” perspective). Finally, we will conclude with the “binding of Isaac” (the akeda) in Genesis 22.

We will meet Tuesday March 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th from 19.00-20.00 (GMT) via zoom. We are hoping to read as many verses per chapter as possible, so a good level of biblical Hebrew knowledge is preferred (so that we are not hindered by elementary questions). If you are interested and/or have any questions at all, please feel free to email me (slherring1@gmail.com).

The cost will be £60 per student for the entire course.

Due to the need to allow as many as possible to participate in the reading and translating of the Hebrew, places will be limited.